Residential Bird Control: The Most Effective Strategies

Written by Erick Wolf

residential bird control

As nuisance birds pose a hazardous and costly problem, residential bird control represents a global problem. Property damage to the home and yard is just the beginning, bird droppings and nesting can pose a serious threat to homeowners' health and safety as well.

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at bird control for residential areas, including discussing why it’s important and identifying some of the most popular methods available today.

Why is Residential Bird Control Important?

Residential pigeon control is becoming a crucial aspect of design as homeowners continue to be plagued by birds and their rapidly growing populations.

Health Hazards

Birds will feast on food scraps and leftovers and naturally excrete them in droppings. Unfortunately, the mounds of bird droppings can be left everywhere, from on the home's facade to playground equipment and everything in between.

Failure to get rid of bird droppings on various surfaces around the home poses a health threat to its inhabitants. Birds are known for carrying transmittable diseases, which can be spread through contact with their droppings, including e. Coli and salmonella.

Their droppings on surfaces are not the only concern regarding residential bird removal. Birds are also known for nesting near HVAC units, especially during colder months. If an HVAC system has direct exposure to bird droppings, it will suck these transmittable diseases through the home's ventilation system.

Fire Hazards

Like public facilities, homes can fall victim to fires as bird nesting materials make excellent kindling. This hazard can become a massive issue for residential areas when heated bulbs or electrical wiring come in contact with feathers and twigs in bird nests. 

residential area bird control

Extreme Property Damages

Homes can see considerable damage due to pest bird populations that get out of control. Various damages can be caused by nesting debris alone, including interference with things such as:

  • Lighting fixtures

  • Windows

  • Solar panels

  • Skylights

  • AC vents

  • Rain gutters

High Clean-Up and Repair Costs

Save countless hours cleaning corrosive bird droppings by focusing your efforts on residential bird control instead. Rather than paying a cleaning team throughout the year, invest upfront in discovering reliable bird control for residential areas.

The Most Effective Residential Bird Control Strategies

Here are the most popular residential bird control methods available today. 

Birth Control

Bird birth control is the most humane option when it comes to bird control for residential areas. Rather than attacking the live population, bird birth control acts limit the flocks' ability to multiply at rapid, uncontrollable rates.

Bird Netting 

One of the oldest forms of residential bird control is bird netting. It comes in the form of a mesh, creating a physical barrier to prevent birds from landing or nesting on or around homes and surrounding areas.

It is not the ideal solution for outdoor areas, although bird netting can be generally effective on smaller buildings.

bird control in residential areas

Bird Spikes and Wires

Bird spikes and wires are other forms of residential bird control. To help keep birds away from more popular roosting areas around homes, you can get these devices in various splay widths, ranging from one to ten inches. 

Bird spikes and wires can help prevent perching in specific areas of homes and gardens. Still, birds will undoubtedly find a way to rest in other locations whenever possible, including nearby trees. 

Bird Gel

Bird gel is yet another popular residential bird control method, although it tends to be the most inhumane option currently on the market. Because the gel is designed to be so sticky, if a bird lands on it, it often gets stuck in its feathers, hindering its ability to fly and, thus, its survival.

Visual Bird Deterrents

Visual bird deterrents startle birds using a strong contrast between the laser beam and the ambient light. While lasers work as a safer alternative to bird control methods, they are limited during conditions with lighter ambient lighting. These systems can also be quite costly.

Why Use OvoControl in Residential Bird Control?

When finding practical methods, you’ll often find that residential bird control requires multiple options to get the job done. You might have to get creative, especially in larger outdoor areas. Thankfully, OvoControl is the new solution for bird control in residential areas.

A residential bird control option, OvoControl is a bird birth control. Birds think OvoControl is food and consume it regularly. As the birds feed, they are limiting their ability to produce vital offspring as the formula strictly limits the ability of a pigeon’s egg to develop fully.

Final Thoughts

While there are a few different options for residential bird control, they often require multiple solutions and can still not be entirely effective at minimizing damage to your property. 

OvoControl remains one of the most humane and practical solutions to bird control for residential areas today. Its non-toxic active ingredient ensures humane treatment of the birds, while its multiple delivery options make it customizable to any bird population size.