Bird Control in Breweries: The Most Effective Solutions

Written by Erick Wolf

bird control in breweries

Breweries face unique challenges in keeping a clean and hygienic environment due to their complex operations and fragile equipment. One challenge that often gets overlooked is the presence of birds, which can actually pose a major threat.

In this article, we will explore the important topic of bird control in breweries, discussing the vulnerabilities, regulations, and effective methods to protect these facilities.

Why is Bird Control in Breweries Important?

There are some compelling reasons why birds are naturally drawn to breweries and overall bottling facilities. These facilities often have rich food sources such as grains and insects.

bird control in bottling facilities

Additionally, the presence of water, heat, shelter, roof space, and adequate lighting make breweries very attractive places for birds. It is important to have effective waste management techniques to prevent birds from being attracted to your property.

You may be wondering why birds are a problem in breweries and bottling facilities; here are the most important reasons why brewery bird control is important:

Health Hazards

Bird droppings can contaminate products and cause bacterial contamination, such as salmonella and E.coli, posing a risk to customers and employees.

Additionally, brewery birds can transmit pathogens, allergens, and diseases through the air, posing a risk to everyone.

Equipment and Structure Damages

Besides, nests and droppings can cause harm to gear and structures, driving to costly repairs or substitutions. This could cause disturbances in generation plans and result in money-related misfortunes.

Fire Hazards

Bird nests can block ventilation systems and drains, increasing the risk of fires in breweries. This jeopardizes the safety of not only employees but also the entire facility.

Production Schedule Interruptions

The presence of bird nests and droppings can disrupt production schedules and cause delays and financial harm to breweries.

The constant need to clean and remove nests can create inefficiencies and negatively impact the operation's overall productivity.

Mess Caused by Birds

Bird droppings also cause unsightly and unhygienic messes in breweries, making the workplace unattractive and hazardous to health.

High Cleanup and Repair Costs

The cleanup and repair costs associated with bird-related damages can be substantial. Breweries often allocate significant resources to fix equipment and structures damaged by birds. These expenses can be avoided with effective bird control measures in place.

Potential Liabilities and Penalties

Disappointment to address bird-related issues can result in serious consequences, including fines, item reviews, or the facility's closure.

Compliance with natural life assurance laws is vital, and breweries must prioritize humane bird control to maintain a strategic distance from lawful consequences.

Reputation Damage

A brewery's reputation is one of its most valuable assets. Bird intrusion can lead to bad publicity and negatively impact your brand image. Consumers may question the quality and safety of products produced by facilities that cannot effectively control bird problems.

The Most Effective Bird Control Methods in Breweries

Let's explore the currently available and proven methods for effective bird control in breweries:

Birth Control

brewery bird control

Bird birth control methods aim to limit the reproduction of birds within the brewery.

These methods aim to control and reduce bird populations in a humane and safe manner.

Bird Netting

Bird netting is another option that creates a physical barrier to prevent birds from entering or nesting in specific areas of your brewery.

Additionally, it may not be suitable for every part of the brewery, and it may not effectively deter all types of birds, depending on their size and behavior.

Bird Spikes and Wires

Bird repellents, such as bird spikes and wire, are placed on surfaces where birds typically land or nest. These simple measures make those places less inviting. It's important to note that they might change how your brewery looks, and setting them up can take some effort.

Bird Gel

This sticky substance is applied to surfaces to deter birds from landing. Bird gel creates an unpleasant surface for birds without causing harm.

Visual Bird Deterrents

Visual bird deterrents include devices like light beams that reflect light in a way that disorients and scares birds away. These can be effective in open outdoor areas.

Bird Deterrent Sound System

Sound systems emitting bird distress calls or predator sounds can discourage birds from congregating in the brewery. These systems can be automated and highly effective.

Seal Potential Entry Points

Identifying and sealing potential entry points where birds can access the brewery is essential. This method prevents birds from entering the facility in the first place.

Do Regular Inspections

Regular inspections are very important to identify areas at risk and assess the effectiveness of bird protection measures. Working with bird removal experts can help your brewery effectively maintain a bird-free environment.

The Benefits of Using OvoControl for Brewery Bird Control

If you want to use humane bird control methods for your facility, OvoControl is the best solution. It is a kibble-type bird birth control that helps deal with birds in your bottling facility most effectively.

OvoControl helps reduce the number of pigeons without harming them. This means you can keep your brewery free of birds with a clear conscience and without resorting to harsh methods; it's like putting a pause button on the bird reproduction, ensuring a bird-free environment for your brewery.

OvoControl is an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution in the long run, saving you money by not requiring regular maintenance or upkeep. And the best part is that its effects last for a long time!

Final Thoughts

Effective bird control in breweries is imperative to safeguard product quality, maintain operational efficiency, and preserve brand reputation. Utilizing methods such as OvoControl ensures a humane, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution, providing long-term protection against avian-related challenges.