Learn more about the science.
Read about the studies upon which we base our product and claims for the safety, efficacy and quality of OvoControl®.
technical WHITE PAPERS
The active ingredient in OvoControl® P, nicarbazin, was originally developed by Merck, the pharmaceutical company, in the mid-1950’s. The compound remains in widespread use today (NICARB), world-wide, to control coccidiosis, an enteric disease in poultry.
Nicarbazin’s interference with egg hatchability represents an unwanted side-effect in chickens. Together with the USDA National Wildlife Research Center in Fort Collins, CO, Innolytics developed OvoControl as a useful new tool to help manage pest birds.
The following white papers provide further details on the most common technical questions and concerns.
The Effects of OvoControl® P (nicarbazin) on Non-target Birds and Other Wildlife (PDF)
The Secondary Toxicity of OvoControl® (nicarbazin) in Birds (PDF)
The Absorption, Excretion and Environmental Fate of Nicarbazin (PDF)
The Efficacy of OvoControl® P (nicarbazin) in Feral Pigeons (Columba livia) (PDF)
The Absorption, Egg Hatchability Effects and Acute Toxicity of Nicarbazin (PDF)
“Our building has used OvoControl for two years and the population is down 80%.”