Learn about the types of facilities that are ideal for OvoControl®.

Since they breed so rapidly, poisoning or trapping birds is not a productive solution. Physical barriers are not ideal for larger facilities and plants. When you have a large physical plant, you need to control the bird population.


WHERE TO USE OvoControl® P

As with any pigeon control technique, some sites are simply better suited than others. From experience, we find the highest utility for OvoControl® is at facilities that share the following characteristics:

  • Difficult or impossible to close the windows or doors which allows pigeons full-time entry and exit. These are most likely structures where physical exclusion is either technically challenging or cost-prohibitive.

  • Facilities with multiple structures on the same site. In these cases, excluding the birds on one structure simply moves the problem to another one.

  • Facilities that produce heat as part of their manufacturing process provide a strong attraction for pigeons. The birds seek out warm shelter for their nests.

  • Pigeons try to find “cubbies” for their nests. Facilities that offer a large volume of quality nesting sites provide a strong attraction and nest fidelity for pigeons.

Here are just a few of the types of larger facilities where OvoControl® can help you control your pigeon population.

  • Chemical Plants

  • Oil Refineries

  • Manufacturing Facility

  • Power Plants

  • Ports and Transportation Hubs

  • Maintenance Yards

  • Campuses

  • Dense Urban Area

  • Large Cities

  • Small Towns

  • Hospitals

  • Food Processing Facilities

  • Shopping Centers

  • Casinos and Hotels

  • Condominiums and Apartment Buildings

  • Prisons

Would you like to learn more about OvoControl® and whether or not it is the right solution for pigeon control at your facility? Contact us today to learn how we can help you solve your pigeon control problem.