Hospitality Industry Bird Control: Effective Strategies

Written by Erick Wolf

hotel bird control

To avoid pest bird infestations on properties worldwide, the hospitality industry bird control must be of utmost priority. Hospitality facilities are supposed to provide people with safe accommodations, but pest birds run the risk of spreading internal parasites and infectious diseases. With effective bird control for the hospitality industry, you can help protect your internal and external guests.

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at the hospitality industry bird control, including discussing why it’s crucial and identifying some of the most prevalent bird control methods for the hospitality industry available today.

Why Use Bird Control in The Hospitality Industry?

Pest birds have plagued the industry since the beginning, making hospitality bird control crucial to properties worldwide today. 

Property Damage and Costly Repairs

For starters, the structural integrity of hospitality properties is often undermined, deteriorated, and damaged due to the acidic nature of bird droppings. Hotel bird control is essential because pest birds can do considerable damage to buildings, including:

  • Roofs

  • Signs

  • Structures

  • Equipment

  • Wiring

Slip-and-Fall Hazards

Promoting safety should always be front of mind for anyone in the hospitality industry. That’s why the hospitality industry bird control is pivotal in increasing your patrons' and employees' health and safety. Bird droppings can also be responsible for potential slips and falls of both employees and patrons of your facilities.

Work and Service Interruptions

Productivity can suffer, and guest service tasks may need to be addressed when workers must stop to repair bird damage or deal with nuisance bird droppings or nesting materials. Further disrupting productivity and service, employees should not work in areas where bird droppings have accumulated due to safety issues. For both hotel budgets and guest relations, these disruptions can be costly.

Food Safety in The Restaurant Sector

Resort bird control should be prioritized because, specifically in the restaurant sector, bird droppings can result in the following:

  • Legal actions

  • Fines

  • Health code violations

  • Other consequences

Health Hazards for Guests and Workers

Bird droppings damage air vents and block fresh airflow causing health hazards for guests and workers, carrying any of 60 known diseases, including:

  • Histoplasmosis

  • West Nile virus

  • Encephalitis

  • Toxoplasmosis

  • Salmonella

  • Meningitis

Mess Created by Birds

Birds are known for leaving behind all sorts of messes, from bird droppings to nesting materials; having a pest bird infestation means your resort bird control needs immediate attention.

Extra Cleaning and Maintenance Costs

pigeons in hotel balcony

You can save countless hours and dollars spent on cleaning corrosive bird droppings by eliminating the source. Rather than pay a cleaning team throughout the year, make the investment upfront to discover reliable bird control for the hospitality industry.

Reputation and Image Damage

In addition to losing money to fixing damages due to corrosion, birds can cause potential liabilities by damaging the reputation of a well-established hospitality property or brand. It’s always best to minimize your weaknesses to the best of your abilities by focusing on bird control for hospitality industry.

The Most Effective Hospitality Industry Bird Control Strategies

Here are the most popular hospitality industry bird control methods available today. 

Birth Control

When it comes to bird control for hospitality industry, birth control is the most humane option available. It limits the flocks' capability to multiply at rapid, uncontrollable rates rather than directly attacking the live population.

Bird Netting 

One of the oldest forms of hospitality industry bird control is bird netting. This mesh creates a physical barrier to prevent birds from landing or nesting near otherwise appealing areas. Although bird netting can be generally effective throughout properties, there are better solutions for larger, more extensive structures.

Bird Hazers

pigeons in hotel building

Bird hazers are a more practical option for protecting large open areas in larger hospitality properties. Hazers often come with solar-powered generator options and work by emitting a light haze and scent irritating to birds as a more environmentally friendly alternative. While bird hazers are a better alternative for large-scale hospitality industry bird control methods, they can be limited during inclement weather conditions.

Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are another bird control for hospitality industry with various splay widths, ranging from one to ten inches. Spikes work to help keep birds away from specific areas of properties, but birds will undoubtedly find a way to rest in other locations whenever possible.

Bird Gel

Another popular hospitality industry bird control method involves a detracting gel. This gel tends to be the most inhumane bird control option currently on the market. The gel is designed to be sticky, so if a bird lands on it, it often gets stuck in its feathers, hindering its ability to fly and, thus, its survival.

Bird Deterrent Sound System

Another hospitality industry bird control option is acoustic devices in the form of bird deterrent sound systems. Using auditory stimuli to scare away birds, powerful electronic noise repellers work in these systems to frighten away birds. But, the calls work against only a handful of species of birds.

Why is Ovocontrol Effective in Hospitality Industry Bird Control?

When it comes to finding effective hospitality bird control methods, you’ll often find that it requires multiple options to get the job done. You will likely have to get creative and be highly flexible with your budget for larger, more extensive properties. Thankfully, OvoControl is the new solution to bird control for hospitality industry.

Birds consume OvoControl, an edible, kibble-type bird birth control, thinking it is food. The state-of-the-art formula strictly limits the ability of a pigeon’s egg to develop fully.

Final Thoughts

While there are a few different options for the hospitality industry bird control, they often require multiple solutions and can still only partially be effective at minimizing damages and costs. 

OvoControl remains one of the most humane and practical solutions to bird control for the hospitality industry today. Its non-toxic active ingredient ensures humane treatment of the birds while offering multiple delivery options to make it customizable to any bird population size.